Monday, August 31, 2009

It has been a little too long since my last post, I apologize!

I played a game in Portland a week ago and we lost by A LOT. After living there Portland had left a pretty awful taste in my mouth, but I had so much fun visiting and I loved playing the Rose City Rollers Wheels of Justice, even if they kicked our ass.

I actually was not ready to leave when it was time to go.

This past weekend Adam and I finally got a weekend *kind of* off of derby. I mean I helped with newbies on Friday, helped with newbies again on Saturday and did some counting of merch to get the website prepared to start selling it, and had travel team practice and a league meeting on Sunday, but- compared to being out of town playing bouts, it felt like having the weekend off of derby.

Obviously, I love it or I wouldn't do it, but I was so happy to get a few things done!

I finally tackled that art room- which is good, because I have lots of projects floating around in my head that I want to get started on. More on that, later. I will also put up some more pictures soon of the new and improved workspace!

We also finally started putting the art up. For some reason we are having more trouble deciding where to put things this time, even though we have a ton of wall space. I am not sure what to do about the paintings that are not hanging, maybe I should have a big etsy sale. Paintings get ruined when they are stored for too long.

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