Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just appreciating what I dont have...

As I rode my bike in to work this morning, even though I have a nasty cold, It felt SO good. I also think it is fun. I really love that we only have one car, and that I practically never have to drive it. I like looking back and waving to my grinning baby girl, who I tow in a little red bike cart behind me.

I also like biking to work, and occasionally other places because it means that if Roller derby practice is rained out- or I can't go for some other reason- I don't feel gross because I didn't get any exercise that day. I do still feel kind of yucky if I miss more than one day of skating.

I really stopped driving because I HATE driving. I can appreciate all of the other benefits- the non selfish ones like reduced pollution and traffic congestion- that come with alternative modes of transportation. I am also glad that Albuquerque is not too big, so getting around on a bike sometimes is pretty easy.

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