To go directly to this sellers listing just click on the picture! this stylish wine holder was made by Ark Iron on etsy. It is hand forged from steel and is a great deal at $30.oo.
I was fortunate enough last night to get to spend the evening with my husband, which is rare for many derby girls. In fact I never would have become involved with my husband if he had not been affiliated with duke city derby- but that is a wonderful story suitable for an entry of its own.
Adam got online to pay a bill and there was a pending transaction for a
SO how did Adam get signed up for this program??? He ordered a book from hotbooksale.com and was AUTOMATICALLY, and without authorization signed up for this program. We dug as far back as we could in his account history and he was being charged 14.95 monthly for this bogus (yes I totally just said bogus) program that he never signed up for. In addition, there was no notification that the charge had increased to $29.95. But here is the real kicker…
SO we get one evening together this week… and we spent it dealing with a scam.
It has been harder for me to adjust to
I can’t say that it was especially easy to adapt to
I can’t help missing the wide open spaces and the clear sunny skies of the desert southwest. I love
There are things I
Have you ever had trouble adjusting to a new place???